UX/UI End-to-end Development Artificial Intelligence

Dr. GyneCom

Medical service that helps women take care of their gynecological health – easily and with pleasure

About the project


With the aim of addressing the pressing issue faced by hundreds of thousands of women worldwide, ID AL. Solutions brought together a team of IT specialists and professional gynecologists to develop a reliable and user-friendly solution for cervical screening.

Thus, Dr. GyneCom application came into being – a service that monitors the condition of the cervix and gives necessary recommendations for the proper maintenance of gynecological wellness

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Business Problem

Despite the concerted efforts of the medical community, cervical cancer remains a significant problem. Annually, over 350,000 women lose their lives to this disease, while more than 600 million women lack access to proper cervical screening. Therefore, the implementation of effective screening methods remains a critical task in preventing cervical cancer.

Additionally, there is the challenge of women feeling embarrassed or fearful about regular visits to gynecologists, resulting in negative health consequences. Various studies have reported women experiencing embarrassment in up to 52% of visits, anxiety in 21%-49% and pain in 22%-68% of visits.


Solution by ID AL. Solutions

In pursuit of significantly reducing global incidence and mortality rates associated with cervical cancer, our team collaborated with experienced gynecologists to take the first step toward achieving this goal. We developed an AI-based web service called Dr. GyneCom, enabling users to quickly and accurately (with a 95%+ accuracy rate) detect cervical pathologies from colposcopy images.

The underlying computer vision algorithm has been trained on thousands of non-standardized images, making it objective and expanding the use cases for cervical pathology detection. Based on the findings, the user will receive necessary recommendations for the proper maintenance of her gynecological wellness.

Furthermore, Dr. GyneCom empowers expert-level doctors to independently annotate pathologies on images using a convenient visual editor. This approach provides users with analysis from the AI algorithm as well as a medical report from an experienced doctor. It also expands the image database of Dr. GyneCom, offering doctors an additional source of income and ultimately enhancing the accuracy of the algorithm



ID AL. Solutions takes a different approach to IT-service delivery, primarily focusing on maximum value for a reasonable price. Our developers have more than 5 years of commercial experience with dozens of successfully delivered projects

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Key Features

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Convenience & Privacy

Patients can safely and easily receive cervical diagnoses from the comfort of their homes, without the stress of visiting a doctor

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No Medical Errors

By reducing the human factor, advanced and capable AI algorithms help eliminate medical errors. The analysis provided is accurate, objective, and highlights areas of concern for the doctor’s attention

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Expansion and Development

Ample opportunities for development, including integration into the medical systems of multiple countries, such as governmental and private eHealth services

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Instant notification

Certified and experienced gynecologists can contribute to enhancing Dr. GyneCom’s AI by marking cervical images. This valuable contribution will be financially rewarded on a per-image basis


Tech Stack Used

Our Services
icon frontend


  • Angular (TypeScript)
  • NGX Bootstrap
  • PrimeNG
icon backend


  • Java 17
  • Spring Framework (Boot, WebFlux, Cloud, Gateway, Security)
  • Python 3+
  • FastAPI
  • Netflix Eureka
icon machine learning

Machine Learning

  • Keras
  • TensorFlow
  • Jupyter Notebook
icon DevOps


  • Docker Compose
  • AWS Cloud
  • GitLab pipelines
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  • MongoDB
  • PostgreSQL

Business Value

Results/Future Work

Our team is actively involved in both software and hardware development of the project. A crucial component of our strategy to combat cervical cancer worldwide is the “Lily” portable colposcope. This affordable and user-friendly smart device enables users to perform cervical screenings in the comfort of their homes.

Regarding the software aspect of the product, the potential is nearly limitless. In conjunction with the Lily colposcope, the program will have the capability to identify other women’s health issues, including inflammatory diseases of the lower genital organs. Moreover, Dr. GyneCom can be seamlessly integrated into gynecological healthcare systems, serving as a valuable resource for new doctors and integrating into e-health services.

For more detailed information about Dr. GyneCom, please visit us here


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