It’s no secret that Ukraine is one of the largest and fastest-growing IT job markets in Eastern Europe. Its pool of experts, already numbering over 300,000, is making an impressive contribution to the country’s economic performance – the value of Ukrainian exports of IT services in 2021 grew by a whopping 36% to about $6.8 billion (4% of GDP). These numbers are constantly rising despite the harsh realities of 2022.
At present, the IT market has stabilized and adapted to work in war conditions. On the contrary, IT has become one of the few sectors that fully function and actively participate in the economic and volunteer component of life in Ukraine. Quality, adaptability, and the desire to be useful – are the main reasons why Ukraine remains one of the key specialized centers for software development and support, and ID AL. Solutions is one of the links in this powerful chain, made from the invincible Azov steel.
Markets are exchanging specialists, requirements, and best practices. The difference between the global and Ukrainian markets is disappearing. Ten years ago, Ukrainian IT companies rarely had many foreign clients, but now this is a common norm, or rather a prerequisite, confirming the relevance of the company’s experience.
Clients choose Ukrainians also because our specialists are becoming increasingly competitive in the global market. More and more educational information is becoming available, and more online lectures and conferences are being held in different parts of the world. IT is literally becoming mainstream for the youth of Ukraine, and the competition for the department of Information Technology in our universities or for work in an IT company is increasing exponentially. The information field of Ukrainian and Western styles of business has merged into one whole, despite the kilometers and time zones that separate us.
We are witnessing rather even a reverse trend. Often, it is we who occupy the positions of top technical experts in foreign companies, and our point of view is decisive when choosing a technology stack for a particular project or when solving a particular non-standard task. Of course, such trust must be earned by months, and sometimes even years of impeccable work and the manifestation of professional competence. That is why we strive to constantly expand our “Zeno circles”, moving towards new knowledge in artificial intelligence, reactive programming, the latest design trends, IoT development, and more.
It is worth noting the irresistible desire of Ukrainian IT specialists to work, ignoring all the difficulties of the military situation, from a blackout to the likelihood of an enemy missile hit, from loss of Internet connection to long lines for basic goods. Paradoxically, all the members of our team, like most of the familiar fellow craftsmen, despite all these difficulties, have become even more organized and efficient, discarded bad habits, eradicated waste of time, and abandoned most of the weekends and holidays. After all, the main motivation for us is the work for the benefit of Ukraine, support the economic front, and active volunteering, which is often carried out at the keyboard. Therefore, our specialists first take care of setting up their workspace, buying power generators and charging stations, installing Starlinks and backup communication sources, and only then think about personal safety. To be honest, it is hard to remember the last time our team went down to the shelter as sometimes a fascinating conversation with partners or an interesting task drowns out all the sirens, and we don’t even suspect what is happening around.
Harsh realities have made us more motivated, and total self-organization – more effective. Is war the engine of progress? We don’t believe it, and we never will. This is a terrible, destructive embodiment of weakness and craziness. But the war became another powerful impulse for the development of IT in Ukraine and ID AL. Solutions team has become an integral part of this movement. We would even say the best part, and we are happy to prove it to you.
No matter where in the world you are reading these lines, we are always waiting for your message. Work with Ukraine, work with ID AL. Solutions, conquer new frontiers. Trust us with your technical dream, and we will trust you with our skills, experience, and impeccable results.